
Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Monitoring of diabetes in African environment

Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Monitoring of diabetes in African environment The prevalence of diabetes has increased worldwide and in Africa. How has the problem of diabetes in Africa evolved in recent decades? And what is the patient’s recommended target blood glucose value? Why does it have to be continually normal?…

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Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Treatment of diabetes

Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Treatment of diabetes The treatment of diabetes has changed a lot over time. But what are the treatments available today for diabetes? Why is it so important that the treatment is followed correctly? And what groups of treatments are there? Discover the answer to all of these…

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Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Management and psychological factors of diabetes

Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Management and psychological factors of diabetes Diabetes mellitus is probably the pathology linked to the current lifestyle change. What useful lifestyle changes can be made? What dietary changes are recommended? And what role do psychological factors, such as stress, play in diabetes? Discover the answer to all…

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Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Complications of diabetes (part 2)

Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Complications of diabetes (part 2) The diabetic foot is probably the most emblematic complication, but also the most frequent complication of the chronic complications of diabetes. But why is diabetes one of the diseases that causes the most amputations? How can the diabetic foot be avoided?…

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Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Evaluation and complications of diabetes

Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Evaluation and complications of diabetes When diabetes is not well balanced, it is subject to several complications. But what are these complications? What is the difference between hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia? And which organs are most affected by complications? Discover the answer to all of these questions and…

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Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Diagnostic tools of diabetes

Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Diagnostic tools of diabetes There are many diagnostic tools for diabetes. But what is glycemic self-monitoring? What should you pay particular attention to? And why can’t you feel safe when blood sugar levels seem to be well balanced? Discover the answer to all of these questions and…

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Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Definition and issues of diabetes

Webcast with Prof. Dr. Drabo Joseph (Burkina Faso) – Definition and issues of diabetes Diabetes is a very common disease. Why does diabetes affect us all? What are the criteria for determining that someone is diabetic? And why is diabetes one of the most exponentially growing diseases? Discover the answer to all of these questions…

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